Record Content | CustomGuide

Record Content

How to Record Content in OneNote

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Record Content

If you have a presentation to attend and want to capture everything the speaker says, use an audio or video recording.

  1. Select a page to place the recording.
  2. Click the Insert tab.

    You can record video into OneNote, but you'll need to first make sure you have a video device correctly configured with your computer. You can experiment with that in your OneNote environment.

  3. Select Record Audio or Record Video.
    Record Content

    A tab appears on the ribbon and you can see that you are now recording.

  4. Click below the recording icon.
  5. Type your own notes.

    The notes you take are time-coded. When played back, a marker shows when during the recording they were taken.

  6. Click Stop on the ribbon.
    Record Content
  7. Click Play to hear the recording.

    You can use the other controls in the Playback group to find a specific piece of audio or video.

    Record Content