Classroom Navigation

How to Navigate in Google Classroom

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Classroom Navigation

There's plenty to explore once you sign in to Google Classroom. First, you’ll need to know how to navigate. The first page you see, the Classroom homepage, displays all the classes you have joined or created.

The Classroom Homepage

A Class Tile: Displays the class name and number of students, as well as a link to the gradebook and the folder for the class's files on Google Drive. D Google Apps: Jump to another Google application in the suite. The selected application will open in a new browser tab.
B Menu: Contains options to change views, jump to a class, or modify settings. E Google Account: Click your picture to modify your Google Account settings. You can view your Google Account page, add an additional Google Account, or sign out from here.
C Create or Join a Class: Click the + to create a new class or join a class using a class code. F ?: See what's new, send feedback, ask a question, or get help.

The Classroom Menu

A Classes: View the Google Classroom homepage, which shows your active classes in the tile format. D Active Classes: Your active classes are listed here in the menu. Quickly jump to a class by clicking it.
B Calendar: Track assignments, questions, and events in class calendars. For each class, you and your students can view work in a calendar view. E Archived Classes: View the classes you are done teaching and have archived. Restore or delete these classes from here.
C To-do: See an overview of assignments and questions across all your classes on the To-do page. You can filter by class to display only the work for a specific class. F Settings: Modify your profile, manage account settings, and adjust notifications for email, comments, and classwork. The settings here are Google Classroom-wide settings that affect all the classes you teach.

Navigate a Class

  1. Click the class name to open a class.

    Once you enter a class, you see the class code students need to join, as well as four tabs at the top.

  2. Click a tab at the top of the page to jump to an area of the class.
    • Stream: This is a central place to view class posts and announcements. When something is added to classwork, it also appears on the Stream. On the left side of the Stream page, in the Upcoming area, a list of assignments with upcoming dues dates displays.
    • Classwork: This is where you create assignments, questions, and class materials. Furthermore, you can create topics to keep the Classwork page organized. For example, you may create a topic for classwork, one for homework, and another for projects. All like-work will be organized under the topic you assign.
    • People: This tab houses the class roster, including all teachers and co of the class. You can add additional people to the class from here.
    • Grades: View, grade, and return assignments from here. You see individual student scores as well as the class average.

Return to Google Classroom

  1. Click the Menu button.
  2. Select Classes.

You return to the Google Classroom homepage and all your classes display once again.