Respond To and Track Meetings | CustomGuide

Respond To and Track Meetings

How to Respond To and Track Meetings in Google Calendar

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Respond To and Track Meetings

Respond Through Calendar

  1. Click the meeting you’ve been invited to.
  2. Click Yes, No, or Maybe.
    Respond Through Calendar

Respond Through Email

  1. Open the email that contains the meeting invitation.
  2. Click Yes, No, or Maybe.
    Respond Through Email

Track a Meeting

  1. Click the meeting you want to track.
  2. A pop-up window appears, displaying the meeting's information. Under the Guests section, you can see the invitees’ responses to the meeting invitation. A check means that they've accepted, a question mark means they're tentative, and an X means they declined it.

  3. View the meeting responses in the meeting window.
    Track a Meeting